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Don Baillargeon

Financial/Money Expert

A seasoned and experienced television host, writer and producer with more than 30 years of proven success in hosting, writing, producing, creation and distribution. High-energy, authoritative and focused person that moves easily from vision and strategy to implementation, problem solving, and follow-through. Utilizes natural aptitude as a “growth catalyst” to deliver highly effective on-camera presentations and has the drive, creativity and ability to reach objectives under demanding circumstances.  Committed to the importance of integrity, professionalism and accountability.

Donald Baillargeon is a broadcast industry veteran of more than 30 years, running corporate radio stations for American General Media and having personally owned and operated KCHT-FM in California. He was the co-founder of one of the largest Advertising Agencies in central California.

Don is the Founder, Executive Producer and Anchor of MoneyTV, an internationally distributed weekly business television program reaching 170 million TV households globally. MoneyTV debuted in 1996, recently began its 16th year on television and produced and aired its 750th original episode in January, 2012.

Don is also the Anchor, Creator and Executive Producer of Global Financial News Minute, a daily :90 vignette which explores 21st Century methodology for valuing public companies. GFNM is seen throughout the USA, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.

In 2007, Don launched MoneyRap Radio. MoneyRap Radio is a little on the edge. MoneyRap Radio is all about Money...your money...what makes it happen and in some cases, what makes it disappear! Don hosts the show each week, which airs on a number of radio stations in the USA and globally online.

Don also anchored and produced the television program Health This Week. Successfully launched in March 2009, Health This Week is an exciting show exploring the new ways and techniques people, science and technology are employing to live better, healthier and longer lives. Health This Week continues to air in the USA, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.

In 2007, Don created, anchored and was the Executive producer of World Health News Today, a five-day strip of health news.  Delivered to affiliates as a daily program, the show  touched on all subjects related to the health industry. World Health News Today produced approximately 180 episodes and it continues to air in various markets throughout the USA and Europe. 


Don Baillargeon Reel 1

Don Baillargeon Reel 2



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